Can A Brain Tumour Ever Have An Upside?
In 2009 Skipton-based writer and artist, Emma Crabtree, had her world turned upside down; she had been diagnosed with a brain tumour and the word ‘terminal’ hovered ominously in front of the phrase. That was 12 years ago and now, after a lot of travelling with family and friends, Emma has merged her life-long love of doodling with her love of animals and produced her first illustrated book for children.
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Skipton woman children’s book will help brain tumour charity
A SKIPTON woman who was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour with a poor prognosis has celebrated being in good health 12 years down the line and has even written a children’s book during the lockdowns.
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Emma tells her story…
Emma Crabtree, 49, from Skipton in North Yorkshire started getting headaches at work and had problems with her coordination in 2009. When she lost the feeling on her left-hand side a stroke was suspected, but doctors assured her that nothing was wrong.
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